Cards Block

This Cards Block generates a visually appealing section displaying a series of cards, ideal for showcasing various content elements like services and features.

Content Editor Fields

  • Repeater:
    • A repeatable group of fields to create individual cards.
    • Each card consists of:
      • Card Title: The heading for the card.
      • Card Description: A short paragraph or description for the card.
      • Card Brand Color: A color class to apply to the card, allowing for visual differentiation.
      • Card Link: A link associated with the card, including:
        • Link: The name of the link
        • URL: The destination web address.


  1. Add the block: Insert the Cards Block into your page or post.
  2. Set the content: - Card Title: "Recyclable" - Card Description: "Developed using the most up-to-date production methods, our 100% recyclable packaging makes Tyler’s vision of a future circular economy clear, committed and consistent." - Card Brand Color: "Forest Green" - Card Link: " - Link: "Recyclable Packaging" - URL: "/recyclable-packaging"
  3. Create a new row with repeater:
  4. Save the Block: Your Cards block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

cards with image

Editor preview:

cards acf

Usage Notes

  • Content editors can easily create and customize the Cards section by filling in the provided fields.
  • The repeatable "Repeater" field allows for showcasing a variable number of cards.