FAQs Block

This block displays a list of frequently asked questions in an accordion-style layout.

Content Editor Fields

  1. Intro Section:

    • Title: A heading for the FAQ section.
    • Description: An introductory paragraph or explanation for the FAQs or guide client to a targeted landing page or form.
    • Brand Colour: Choose a brand color to style the intro section.
    • Link: Add a call-to-action button with a link or an anchor the form on the same page.
  2. FAQs:

    • The block pulls FAQs from a list of posts.
    • Each FAQ post will be displayed as an accordion item.
    • FAQ Title: The title of the FAQ post will be used as the accordion header.
    • FAQ Content: The content of the FAQ post will be displayed when the accordion item is expanded.

How it Works:

  • The block creates the collapsible FAQ list.
  • Each FAQ item is dynamically generated from the provided list of FAQ posts.
  • Clicking on the accordion header will expand or collapse the corresponding FAQ content.

Example Usage:


  1. Add the block: Insert the Faqs Block into your page or post.

  2. Set the content:

    • Intro Section:

      • Title: "Your conventional questions answered"
      • Description: "Still need to get in touch?"
      • Brand Colour: Coral
      • Link:
        • "Fill in the form below"
        • "#contact"
    • FAQs:

      • FAQ Content: Select a taxnomy or search the ones needed
  3. Save the Block: Your Faqs block is now ready for display!


Preview with image:

faqs with image

Editor preview:

faqs acf


This block can be used to display a list of frequently asked questions on a product or service page, or in a dedicated FAQ section of the website.