New Year, New Us

Josh Lowe

Marketing Executive
Date posted: 11/02/2024
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Happy New Year folks!

Hopefully it’s been a fantastic start to the year for you and you’ve been able to fight off any January Blues. Want to know what we’ve been getting up to in January here at Tyler? Well this blog will give you all the answers.

To start off the year, we decided to set some professional and personal targets. We made some choices on what we wanted to bring with us into 2024 and what we were leaving in 2023. We decided to do this instead of New Years Resolutions as we wanted to make sure the goals were easier to stick to and accomplish over the year. After some careful consideration, here’s what we came up with!


Leaving in 2023:

Lucy – Work place negativity

Magda – Car accident

Levi – Procrastination

Josh – Social Media Scrolling

Danii – Sarcasm

Natalia – Over thinking

Holli – Filling the silence

Rachael – Not prioritising a good nights sleep

Mark – Wine


Bringing to 2024:

Lucy – Positive vibes

Magda – More travel

Levi – Efficiency

Josh – The cold I had in 2023

Danii – Be more motivated

Natalia – Adopt a dog

Holli – Making more time to socialise with friends

Rachael – Trying new things such as palates

Mark – Fruit


I think its fair to say that everyone has been doing their best to stick to these targets and everyone is having lots of fun calling each other out when they’re letting those 2023 habits sneak in.

This month we have also attempted to be healthy in January. We removed our beloved sweet treats and crisp stash from the office kitchen and got Rachael (the one with the most discipline) to hide them away from reach. We then agreed we would all bring in healthier choices for our lunch, and try to snack on more fruit and veg. The most popular new lunchtime choice has been soup, with many people also opting for this to keep warm in these cold January temperatures. Other options have been salads, and a few healthy sandwiches too! It has been a successful healthy January, and no one has caved to the pressure of trying to find the hiding place with all the sweets in! Well done to all who have completed. Have you done something similar in your office, or have you been taking part in other trends such as Veganuary? If you have, let us know on our social pages!

We can’t end this month’s blog without saying a dedicated farewell to our fond employee and friend, Andy Glaze. Andy has decided for personal reasons that he will be saying goodbye to Tyler Packaging at the end of the month, and we wish him well on his future adventures. Andy was a great part of the sales team and will truly by missed by all in the office – we wish him well on his travels as he plans to go camper vanning around the country! To say goodbye to Andy in style and celebrate the success of healthy January we will all be going for a team curry on the last day of the month.

We hope the rest of 2024 will continue to be as positive as January has been, and a healthy year for all.


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