Meet the Directors!

Josh Lowe

Marketing Executive
Date posted: 11/10/2024
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This month’s blog is all about our exceptional directors, Mark and Adam! They both work tirelessly to ensure the day-to-day operations of the business run smoothly. Whether they’re out in the field connecting with new potential clients or building relationships within the industry, they’re always on the move.

Since this blog is dedicated to our directors, we thought it would be a great opportunity for you to get to know them better! In this post, you can read about what a typical day looks like for them and enjoy some quick-fire questions to discover what they enjoy when they’re not hard at work.

Josh Lowe

Marketing Executive
Date posted: 11/10/2024
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Day in a Life

A typical day kicks off with a morning coffee, a quick phone call with each other, followed by a drive to the office where I get to see our amazing team. Once I arrive, there’s usually another coffee waiting for me from the round upstairs, and I dive straight into responding to morning emails.

The rest of the morning is often packed with important meetings—whether it’s with our incredible customers or working on new product development. I manage to squeeze in a quick lunch break, usually a sandwich and some crisps, before getting back to the busy afternoon.

Afternoons are also filled with meetings, including internal discussions. Occasionally, I lend a hand in the warehouse or even star in our social media videos, which is always fun!

As the day winds down, I make sure no one needs anything from me before wrapping things up and heading home.

However not all days are like this, other days include traveling to shows, visiting customers, or going out to our factories to make sure everything is running smoothly!

Josh Lowe

Marketing Executive
Date posted: 11/10/2024
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Quick Fire Questions

As usual, here are some quick fire questions to get to know Adam and Mark a bit better!



What is your favourite sports team?

Southampton FC


What is your favourite film?

Star Wars.


What is your go to Holiday Destination?

France for Skiing, Italy for Summer.


Where is your next holiday destination?



What is your Dream Job?



What is your Ideal Night Out / Night In?

Dinner with friends / family.


What is your Favourite Food?

Thai or Roast Dinner


Tea or Coffee?




What is your favourite sports team?

Man Utd although I am questioning this at the moment ha


What is your Ideal Night Out / Night In?

Its more afternoons/early eves these days in the bar with friends as I cannot do late nights anymore


What is your favourite food?

Roast Dinner


What is your favourite film?



Who would play you in a film of your life?

Barry from Eastenders apparently


Last TV show you binged watched?

Sexy Beast


What is the phone app you use the most?



How would a teacher / college describe you?

If he’d turned up more regularly, he would have done ok


We are so grateful to have Adam and Mark as our directors, and we appreciate all their hard work that goes into the business 🙌


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